Sunday, May 30, 2010

Presents from G-ma

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Broke our camera.....

We have probably lost all of our followers by now, so here is a note to nobody....we not so recently broke our camera somehow, leaving us with little material for updating our blog. We will probably not get a new camera until I start my new job in September. (By the way, I got a full time music teaching job in South Boulder, and we are completely thrilled!) I am going to just write about Petra and our lives throughout the summer.

Here's what's new: Petra can imitate pretty much any word you say, so watch out potty mouths! She can walk, and run, and is working very hard on jumping. Lately, she has been using a severe scowl that she inherited from her mother when she wants to be sassy, which is most of the time. Tantrums are a regular occurrence, but they are never too severe. Petra can walk all by herself all the way to the park not that close to our house. One of her favorite pass times is eating the dirt in our garden while Daddy waters the plants. Petra's nanny, Parvaneh, moved to Texas for the summer, so Petra went through some clingy separation anxiety stuff recently. Mother and Daughter are at last enjoying some time together after a very long Spring semester!

That's all for now folks:)