Sunday, October 25, 2009

Soooooooooo big!

Our little punkin!

Lost in the corn maze!

Do these pics really need and explanation? One word: Cute.

Family Fall Fun!

Colorado Fall festivities do not even compare to Minnesota, but it was still a wonderful day at the pumpkin patch. We were missing the colorful trees, hot apple cider, apple trees, honey sticks, wild rice soup, and of course, the family. We will make a Fall trip to MN when Petra can appreciate it more.

Turtleneck Party 09!

On Friday we hosted a Fall colored turtleneck party. Those in attendance were: Eric, Petra, Jeff, Angelie, Esther, Ben and Joe.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Petra loves her skull and crossbones cup from Arj and her fairies.  I often come in after her nap and she is talking to the shelf on her wall.  I am pretty sure the fairies come to life to entertain her!

Silly to the core:)

Judging from these pics alone, Petra must be silly and healthy.


So, Petra loves her Dad.  Traditionally in our society, kids spend a majority of their waking minutes exclusively with their mommy dearest, which, I feel, leads to sentiments such as "DADDY IS SO AWESOME!" and "my mom's pretty cool, but I see her all the time."  I actually think its pretty cute and don't mind it all...for now:)

Petra loves Peg!!!

Grandma Peggy visited us in September and it was a treat as usual.  Petra LOVES to read books with Grandma, especially the monkey book and the barnyard dance book.  Petra and Peg also have this exclusive ritual where they touch fingertips.  I have tried to do this with Petra on several occasions since Peggy's visit, but she looks at me like, "who do you think you are?"  In addition to Petra loving having her Grandma  around, Jeff and I were able to get a lot done around the house.  We painted the walls, hung shelves, etc .  The worst part of it all was when Peg left...a price you pay when living far from home:(

Benny T, a spoon, and Sunday's best.

Ben and Joe are finally permanently located in Boulder, which Petra has been thoroughly enjoying.  Also, she goes to church with Mom on Sunday mornings and spends time in the nursery.  She loves getting dressed up (or does Mom love dressing her up?)!

The many faces..

...of our little Petra Jo.

Parvaneh is Petra's babysitter about 4 times a week when I teach lessons and go to class.  She is Iranian and her name means "butterfly" in Persian.  Petra loves her and she love Petra...a great match!  The next photos are of Petra with some serious bedhead.  Lastly, she looks like a feminine lumberjack with her overalls on and her increasingly sturdy build:)