Friday, January 30, 2009

Quite the "talker."

There have been a few developments in Petra's life.  She recently discovered her feet and LOVES to gaze at them, she sleeps in her crib, and she is a serious conversationalist.  

Daddy did my hair!

Petra definitely looks like a Timm in the bathtime picture...a combination of Jesse and Angelie when they were babies.  Jeff proceeded to make Petra's hair stick straight out and then put it in a faux hawk.  It seems the faux hawk is permanent because she was still rockin it when she woke up this morning. 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Handmade booties from Esther...

Sooooooooo big!

Petra was swimming in these pajamas when she was first born.  We went to the doctor for her two month visit on the 21st and she was 10.34 lbs.  She is in the 50% for weight and height and the 80% for the size of her head.  She looks like her Dad, but she definitely has her mom's big melon.

My new car seat

After our little car accident, we were required to get a new car seat by our insurance company.  So here it is!

Skiing at Snow Mountain Ranch

Petra has been skiing four times already!  She loves being crammed into the baby bjorn and cruising down the trails with Jeff.  

Monday, January 5, 2009

Petra's first Christmas and New Year in MN were great!  She spent lots of time meeting her family and friends from up North and she loved it.  We had a safe trip home and now are readjusting to every day life.  Petra changes every day and during the last few she's been smiling constantly.  It's very cute.  We already miss everyone back home and can't wait until we come back in the spring!

I went Skiing at 9,000 ft. with Mom and Dad today!

great GREAT grandma Pepsi+Great Grandpa Buzz+Grandma Kelli+Mom+Petra=5 Generations!

Visiting with Max and Madelyn

Great Grandma Dorothy and the Timm Family Christmas

Christmas with Great Grandma Glady & Co.