Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Reverting to old coming soon

We don't have pics, but I will share her newest achievements.  Petra pretty much eats anything now except for the do not eat foods for babies.  She eats cheerio type cereal all by herself, she loves spaghetti, she can't get enough of sweets (which grandma Kelli gives her way too much of, but what are Grandmas for??), and she ate a whole prime rib herself (joking).  She drinks out of a sippy cup with a straw, and this makes her look way to grown up looking in my opinion.  Why can't they just stay your little babies?  I suppose this is why people eventually choose to have more children even though they are committing to no sleep for about 6-12 months  

She crawls like a pro, stands while holding on to an edge and makes increasingly hilarious expressions every day.  She loves dogs and continues to sing like a mini-me.  She does not like when her Grandma Kelli sings and cries when she does.  It's kind of sad, but funny.  (Bruce and Kelli are visiting right now, hence the anecdotes.)

We are in the process of moving, and Petra seems not to really notice.  She's a pretty adaptable little girl!  Oh yes, and once again the Grandma's conquered and got her sleeping through the night again.  12 hours in a row!  How do they do it?  

Friday, August 21, 2009

Guess what....

Petra is now a crawler.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Have you seen our camera?

I want to update the blog, but our camera has been missing since our Minnesota trip.  Petra has been making some really goofy faces that I want to catch on camera for you all to see.  Let me know if you find it.